Number of the day

Do you wave? 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

57% of people wave at the end of Zoom meetings.

Source: Zoom


Social news

Links to other social networks banned on Twitter but decision soon reversed ⚠️

Twitter banned links to Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Linktree and more but reversed the decision in less than 12 hours.

Comment: No surprise that yet another decision reversed. Twitter continues to be run on a whim without any thought of consequences. In this case, people (including me) would have left the platform in droves and they would have got into trouble with regulators.


New features

New Insta Reels feature 🆕

Instagram is testing the ability to Shuffle Suggested Reels.

Thanks to Hammod Oh, @hammodoh1 on Twitter, for this one.



Macbook v Dog food 🤪

Easy mistake to make 😁