Number of the day

Countries with highest Instagram audience

As of January 2022, Brunei was the country with the highest Instagram audience reach with 89 percent. Kazakhstan also had a high Instagram audience reach, with 82.7 percent of the population using the social network.

Although Aruba and Israel saw a relatively lower audience reach, the photo and video sharing platform still reached more than half of the population in both countries.

Source: Statista


Social news

New features

You'll be able to stop blocked accounts from spamming you again on Insta

Instagram is working to improve the feature that allows you to prevent a blocked account from contacting you from a new account by adding the ability to also block all the accounts that user already has in addition to the new ones that they may create.


Meta is thirsty for newsletter signups

Meta is now pushing Facebook newsletters from creators on Insta notifications.



Official Twitter Carousel Ad Tips

BEST PRACTICES FOR CAROUSEL ADS: Tell a cohesive story and follow a visual narrative across each frame, clearly featuring your product or service.

Use headlines, tweet copy and calls-to-action to provide extra context and encouragement to readers.

Customise headlines and URLs if using the multi-destination functionality to drive your audience to unique landing pages.

Keep image and video aspect ratios consistent (1:1 image with 1:1 video, 16:9 image and 1.91:1 video).

Check in on your detailed card-level and swipe metrics reported in your Ads Manager to iterate and learn.



Most significant archaeological find this century??

Hidden Burger King discovered