Thought for the day

Time to do away with this emoji

The popular emoji for a phone or a phone call ☎️ represents a device that is unrecognisable by anyone under 40 years old. Why is it still in use?


Number of the day

Time to check your Ad preferences?

A recent study found that 65.8% had never visited Facebook's ad settings/preferences page.

Source: North Caroline State University

Tip: You can control the Ads you see on Facebook on the Ad preferences page below:


Social news

New features

Twitter rolls out its ALT badge and improved image descriptions

Accessibility features are slowly improving on Twitter, with the platform rolling out an ALT badge and improved image descriptions globally. Images that have text descriptions will get a badge that reads ‘ALT’, and clicking on the badge will bring up the description. Prior to this update, most users didn’t have access to alt text descriptions unless they were using a screen reader.

These improvements will hopefully make these descriptions more widely available, making the user experience more accessible to those needing alt text descriptions.



Share tweets to Instagram Stories

You can share a tweet directly to an Instagram Story using the standard share icon on iOS. It's not possible to do this on Android currently but handy if you have an Apple device.

More tips:  
